First step to NFT
My NFT Journey began in December 2020, when a group of young entrepreneurs from South Korea contacted me and stated that they would establish an NFT marketplace, that they were meeting with some photographers from around the world and that they wanted to work with me as well.
Until that day, I hadn’t heard about NFTs. There was no one around me who knew anything about it. Friends who wrote to me from South Korea told me with all details. Besides, I did a few months of research on the internet. Finally I said that “I can do it, why not”. In the meantime, let me state that I a very self-confident person who has succeeded in every activity or venture I have entered in the past.
At the beginning of April 2021, I searched for an invitation to enter the Foundation website, and once I found the invitation, I uploaded my first photo.
There was such a flow, new entries on Foundation when I entered that I felt my work disappeared in space. Of course, I trust the quality of my work, but how could I make it visible? I was living my life with 1-2 hours of sleep a day for 15 days and I was continually trying to do something from social media. In the meantime, I lost the ekstra weight that I have been trying to lose for years. :)
Just as I was starting to lose my hope, I received an offer for my first piece from “3F Music” whom I followed with interest as a good collector. At that moment, I experienced an indescribable relief. About just 2-3 hours later, I got another offer for my second work from “Aito” whom I follow as a very good collector as well. Those two offers was enough to make me regain my self-confidence.
For a long time, I continued to convert my works to NFT and offer them for sale through a single site. It really made me very happy to be rewarded for my efforts, my hard work. For me, it is a feeling which is hard to describe that each of my NFTs are colected by such a great collectors. With the money I earn from these sales, which I do not like to say, I like to donate to the people around me and to educational institutions. As a teacher, I believe that the best investment is the investment made in children.